marți, 28 februarie 2017

F**k the Dark Side By Thirsty Bstrd

French visual artist Thirsty Bstrd is known for his urban street art, using spray paint, stencils, stickers and video to create a satirical commentary on society, politics and consumerism. His work mines powerful symbols from popular culture, merging style and genre for maximum impact. Thirsty Bstrd's iconographic series, 'When Banksy Meets Star Wars', renders familiar tropes from the galaxy far, far away, in a contemporary, Banksy-esque aesthetic, to create prints with panache. 'F**CK The Dark Side' depicts the titular words scrawled onto a wall in messy red paint, while a Stormtrooper stands by with spray gun in hand. The Stormtrooper's role is ambiguous - rebelliously creating the graffiti or loyally trying to erase it? - and the result is both a clever comment on the state of street-art in the twenty-first century, and a brilliant piece of comic satire on the world of Star Wars. A cult classic in the making. Click the banner to get it at ONLY: USD130.00
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